Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like more information, we are always happy to help.
Uk & Europe
Darren Avey – Entrepreneur
I’m a person with unrivalled skills and capabilities. I expanded my company from two to over fifty staff members, whilst creating net profits regularly in excess of 1.25 million. I have two hands, one to use myself and one to use to help you.
Darren Avey
Office 2, Fulford Business Centre
35 Hospital Fields Road, York
YO10 4DZ
Mob +44 7436 111 292
Mohammad H. Azamati – BA. MBA. PhD
More than 30 years of experience in the field of International finance and trade. Specialist in marketing, international trade advisor and engineering finance.
Mohammad Azamati
Mob +44 7535 286 388
Middle East
Hakkeem Nissar Thazhatheri
Commercial Director
Dubai:- +971 525 668 558
India:- +91 76777 88830
Office No: 937, Ninth floor C,
Burjuman Business Tower,
Bur Dubai,
Dubai. UAE